Many banks consider lending money to contractors a risky venture, and therefore it is often difficult for contractors to secure much-needed loans to keep their businesses afloat or to help them grow. But here at Greenlock, we understand the construction industry and its unique challenges. We offer Invoice Financing that gets insurance restoration contractors paid for the work they’ve completed in a timely manner, while offering repayment terms that are reasonable and fair.
We don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that our contractor loans change lives. A loan from Greenlock removes the stress associated with not having the money to pay your employees or for the materials you need to complete your current project.
We have clients that have told us that they were ready to quit even though they loved many aspects of being a contractor. They were going to close their businesses and do something less stressful. However, once they found Greenlock, it was a game-changer! Our clients tell us that having the capital they need has revolutionized their businesses. They can take on more projects and bigger projects, knowing they’ll have the cash on hand to complete them. They can plan for the future. They even sleep better at night!
Greenlock is a company founded by contractors for contractors. We are committed to helping your company succeed and grow.
If you are an insurance restoration contractor in need of a loan, contact us today. We can answer all of your questions, help you decide which type of loan is right for your business, and get you started with the loan application process.